Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Left" is the word

That's it!There are lots of "left" words in our life now.Lots of issues left hanging.Organizations where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.Many bosses out in the left field blaming subordinates for the mistakes their big egos cant let them own upto.Friends giving left handed compliments,problems coming out of the left field and many such innumerable things which are better left unsaid.
I wouldnt make this a ranting of how imperfect and unjust people are now a days.They always have been.They always will be.Nobody falls in "black" or "white" zone in entiriety.Most of us dwell in the "grey" areas.Isn't that the essence of life?But we always have these basic principles which dignify our personalities and make us different from others.All I care about is holding on to those little values of life where we find our existence.
Be mean to people whom you hate.Nobody here is a saint.But love those from your heart whom you really love.And that,atleast should be pure and selfless.Be cut throat competitive,be ready to achieve what you need by hook or by crook,but have the confidence of turning up and saying "because I am the best at my job" when you are asked about it.Make such good friends in life who can slap you right on your face and tell you that you deserve this and you nod in agreement when you are in the wrong path.And just because,somebody is your enemy,or is getting in the middle of the path between you and your dreams doesn't mean that you have to scoff at every thing no matter how brilliant it is related to him/her.Try to appreciate brilliance.
By the way,I am not lecturing this to you.I know you could figure out your own problems.These words were for me because somewhere deep down I knew I had to bring my voice infront of me.
So,its time to pick up things from where they were left off and time to do something right.

Signing off with some silly lines :D

Why to care for all the scoffing and the glares
why to hope for applause out of the blue
Just wave goodbye to all those who stared,When you said
"The gurlz gonna do what the gurlz gotta do"...:)

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